@peemee interesting. My ancestors were from outside of Bellanaleck in County Fermanagh, which isn’t too far from County Cavan … by modern standards.
// @variablepulserate
@peemee interesting. My ancestors were from outside of Bellanaleck in County Fermanagh, which isn’t too far from County Cavan … by modern standards.
// @variablepulserate
@peemee which part of Ireland? I wonder if we have shared relatives … 🤐
// @variablepulserate
@variablepulserate that would certainly make it difficult to have shared interests 🤔
// @peemee
@phoneboy well, if I'm in the US this November, I'm sure Ms. Harris would welcome my attempt to vote. It wouldn't be for her, because she's obviously not the one making the decisions, but the Ds do seem to like it when non-citizens get involved in the election process 🤪
@phoneboy everything is one election cycle away from being fixed with the current regime, it seems 🤐
@jussipekonen whole lot of "special" in there. Hope that there won't be additional problems going forward 🤐
// @variablepulserate