not at all. If I'm listening to music, then Ayumi is usually sitting next to me. When I'm out on my own to think about something in depth, the sound of the engine and the tires on the ground are best.

hoping to have longer published posts going forward. Have been doing a lot of thinking over the past few weeks and I'd like to have it all recorded in a logical fashion …

we don’t listen to each other very well, so it’s highly unlikely that we’d allow dogs, cats, or frogs to domesticate us 🤪

a machine with 4GB RAM would struggle after a couple of tabs were opened. The amount of memory sites demand now is a little absurd. Safari is also better on memory consumption than Chrome and Firefox 😬


volunteering used to be something that we did because we could. Many younger people see it as a chore or something to game for political points. As we continue to self-isolate in our little digital echo chambers, we lose touch with reality and our charity towards others 😕

yep. App dot Net 😉


there is a way to do it, but it’s a bit of a pain. It’s one of the many things I’ve been hoping to resolve with the update I alluded to earlier today. If there’s a specific image you’d like, I can get it set up for you pretty quick.

oh, hey! Fancy seeing you here again 😬