@peemee cast iron is quite heavy. My mum had a collection of cast iron pots and pans 😬
@phoneboy fun fun. Glad it was worked out, anyway. Correctness is better than unnecessary hassle later 👍🏻
@jextxadore trackballs were so much fun back in the day. Do you use them mainly for artistic activities?
@variablepulserate I didn’t know that there were roads steep enough in the UK to warrant engine braking. That’s generally only required for extended periods of driving down roads with a grade exceeding 5%. Using the brakes too much can lead to bubbles forming in the brake lines which can lead to brake failure (until they cool down), but that generally doesn’t happen unless your foot is on the brake while going down a steep hill for many, many kilometres 🤔
@peemee the price for storage has certainly come down over the years. Well … aside from Apple’s pricing 😆