@phoneboy glad that’s one battle that doesn’t need to be fought …
@peemee ah, storage is often an issue. I've yet to really find a reason to upgrade from the M1 Pro that I've been using the last few years. It does everything I need well enough, the battery is still good for 12+ hours, and I have plenty of network storage to take the things I needn't have locally.
@peemee nice. That’s going to be a bit of an upgrade. Do you have any plans to take advantage of the M4?
@nitinkhanna they haven’t been fired. Some have chosen to quit, but they were not forced out. There are years of articles that are pro-D and anti-R. None of that is being deleted.
What’s telling is that after Bezos asked HR to hire “conservatives”, a bunch of additional people quit. Whether someone is liberal or conservative is neither here nor there, but when a news crew refuses to work with people who have differing opinions or beliefs, that says that an agenda supersedes objectivity. WaPo cannot claim to be a proper news organization when only one “narrative” is sold. Doesn’t matter “which side” it is 🤐
@nitinkhanna would the decree that the newspaper will not endorse anyone not meet your desire? The writers are still able to write their pro/anti pieces as they choose. They just don’t have the shield of “my employer backs my opinions” 😆
@nitinkhanna we’re going to have to disagree on this one. I am not buying the argument about “free speech”, particularly when you look at the way they’ve been writing their opinion pieces for the past few years.
@nitinkhanna neither of those papers endorsed a candidate. I hardly see how that’s a bad thing 🤔