nice. Any plans on getting one of those Roomba-like robot mowers?

that’s odd. Things generally do not disappear completely. Was your server reset to a fresh installation? 😮

that's a logical reason to stop reading 🤣

that's less than one per minute if it's a half-hour show. Maybe 30 seconds dedicated to each? Either way, I'm surprised that TV is still around in the format that it is.

that must have been a weird combination of ingredients 😮

more of the world needs to do this 😕

is that for transporting animals? 🤔

I haven’t seen Campbell’s celery soup since before COVID, either. I know celery still exists, but what happened to all the soup? 😮


it'll be interesting to see what the future has in store, that's for sure 👍🏻

we'll see. There are several indications that the push for EVs will be slowing down pretty soon, as the true costs of ownership are becoming more clear. Lots of reports are showing them to be about 30% more expensive and not much better for the environment than gas-powered vehicles … which is exactly what the president of Toyota was saying 10 years ago, too 🤣

I do hope that non-electric vehicles are still available in the future, though. Not at all keen on driving a computer around the country, which is what every EV seems to be; a distracting computer on wheels 🤣