28,924 in twelve years? I’m about to hit 21,000 🤐



indeed. Creative energy ebbs and flows, but the inability to write bothers me quite a bit 😕


how long will those new batteries last? For $399 a piece, I hope it's at least five years …


that would be an interesting set of challenges for night photographers 🤔


nice. Do you see them often?


guess it depends on how the master was recorded. A lot of the stuff from the 70s and 80s were first put on tape, which has a hiss in the background from the friction between the ribbon and the read head 🤔


your milk is going to have that "new fridge smell" for a while 🤣


a lot of the “off the shelf” applications for various systems are inefficient as heck. It really frustrates me that nobody cares. The software and design teams at most of Musk’s companies are incredibly opinionated and often optimize the heck out of everything going into their systems. Why put a 500GHz processor with 500GB RAM into a car when a 1.2GHz chip with 16GB can do everything without once breaking a sweat or swapping to flash? 🤪


because that’s not their bread and butter. Maps is an afterthought for Apple … unless that map is of Cupertino 🙄


exercise is a wonderful thing 🙂
