Substacks are certainly the personal equivalent to corporate news media: all opinion all the time. That said, I do like them better because there is usually no lie about being “fair and balanced” 😆

people who write and distribute ransomware are hardly model citizens. They do what they do because they have no moral compass.

maybe some cleaning staff just wanna have fun? 🤔

yeah, that's certainly an issue. I would love to discover that something I coded is being used more than a quarter century later. It would mean that I didn't completely misunderstand a problem …

nice. Given how HomePods generally do not move around or get touched, there's not many reasons for Apple to not allow people to get AppleCare+ coverage on the devices. They're not tossed around like phones or notebooks.

you can get AppleCare+ for refurbished machines? 😮

wow. That’s some dedication if they’ve been able to use that for 30+ years 😮

I trust bakers, breweries, and kitchens. These have very long track records of success … and failure. I do not trust anything that is excessively processed or cannot be made by the average person within a reasonable amount of time 🤐

I'm reluctant to try any of these lab-constructed "foods" because they're excessively unnatural. Everyday frozen foods have made us all round as heck. What consequences will the lab-based stuff have?

50:50, as usual. Either they will be, or they won’t. It will probably be a combination of both, though 🤢