Tesla vehicles run on Linux. It’s their own distribution, consisting of a streamlined set of packages that allow the kernel and various firmwares to run incredibly slim. This ensures that the hardware running the OS does not need to be more potent than an information kiosk, which is generally a Core i3 or ARM-based system. They took their cues from the Intel IOT Linux core, which is used by some of the probes that NASA has shot into space.

For anything that is truly mission-critical, the IOT Linux distros are unbeatable.


odd that JPY is up given how badly it has tanked compared to the USD over the past 15 months …


scaling means potential loss of detail! 😮


an oversight, perhaps? 🤔


now that I think about it, I do hear “unloosen” to mean “unscrew” … but I thought that was just “Canadian English” 🤔


hmm … I’ve not heard this word before 🤔


that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It keeps the bugs away in the summer 🤐


weeds take forever to kill. Things you want to raise, though, will wither and die if you’re not actively participating in their existence 🙄


I think the puppy and I will head back to the apartment tonight rather than tomorrow, as it would be easier to drive into the Tokyo area when there aren't a bunch of other people doing the same …

nice. Will this be your first M3?
