@hazardwarning oh my … 😮
@jussipekonen there’s a lot that we do that is inefficient but a good idea 🤪
// @variablepulserate
@peemee all of those apply to Japan as well. Numbers 8 and 18 are of particular pain …
@jussipekonen it’s a shame the streets (and parking lots) aren’t heated to prevent snow and ice buildup 😕
// @variablepulserate
@peemee that's a safer call sign than "Red Five" … as they're always shot out of the sky within the first 3 minutes of engagement 🤪
@variablepulserate d’oh! I guess that means I should go home to change into my zoot suit first 🤪
@jussipekonen nice. I tend to read for about 45 minutes before bed, but the books are often complex 🤐
@jussipekonen when do you find time to complete books? During workouts at the gym? 😮