@jextxadore oh? Alone by choice or circumstance? 😮
@variablepulserate they were quite common here a few months back. Saudi Arabia and Dubai …
“Nevermind the desert, come for the dessert!” … or something, I guess 😬
@hazardwarning I wonder how soon until we see a black, lesbian pope 🤔
// @variablepulserate
@variablepulserate indeed. The battle has been going on for quite a while, and Christians have not stood up with any sort of backbone to call out the lack of gratitude and open disrespect of the people who have benefitted from the morals and freedoms demanded from honest Christianity.
@variablepulserate when “Christmas” cards aim to be truly inclusive, they exclude everyone …
@variablepulserate but, but, but … Brian Adams had that hit from the Kevin Costner Robin Hood movie! And then there was Colour Me Badd’s classic that could only be on the radio after 10:00pm. C+C Music Factory had their break out classic that year, too 🤔