@PoorlyDrawnLines ZOMG! THIS! SO THIS!!!
@variablepulserate a population of 1,000, but lots of tall buildings made of marble and stone? My goodness, they worked hard for a handful of eyeballs 😮
@variablepulserate they are getting ridiculously predictable, aren't they? Modern heist movies are much the same way, too 😕
@variablepulserate had that with the previous MacBook Pro a few days ago. Fired it up to bring some files over and found the battery completely drained despite it being off for only four weeks with a full charge. Makes me wonder how often it was silently starting up despite being “shut down” 🤔
// @jextxadore
@variablepulserate it’s apparently not an issue in Colombia and the Philippines, which is where the development teams were all working 🤐
// @joeo10