@peemee these strips should never be more than $5 for a respectable quantity. The amount of markup on daily medical stuff is absurd 😕
Seems that after updating to iOS 18.2, the phone and iPad need about 10 minutes at full CPU to do something in the background 🤔
@variablepulserate no, it doesn’t need to be software-related. That’s one of the few things that I’m not always horrible at, but it doesn’t age well 😬
@variablepulserate ONE THOUSAND YEARS!!! 😉
Seriously, though, I would like to make something that can be enjoyed across any realistic amount of time. I still play Doom II despite it being 30 years old. If I can work on something that people can enjoy for decades, I will be less anxious about mortality 🤐
@peemee that’s no fun. When “simple” things become difficult, the fun is drained from the moment 😕
@peemee that's still a heck of a lot better than most Windows-powered machines today 🤣
@peemee how is the pixel density on the old Cinema Display? Apple has always had the best screens, but does it look noticeably inferior to the higher-DPI displays that we’re all used to now?