@jussipekonen it’s not much of a holiday if you are battling a flu … 😕
@phoneboy that's quite common in Ontario, too. My father kept his plates from 1977 up until the province required that he get the newer style in the mid-2010s 🤐
// @variablepulserate
@nitinkhanna most people do not notice. It’s like this with most things in the world 🤐
@variablepulserate I’m assuming these are vehicle license plate tags, which need to be purchased every so often so the license plate doesn’t expire. Another cash grab from governments … and a good way to ensure past parking tickets are paid, as tags can’t be renewed until tickets are dealt with, and cars can be pulled over by the cops if driving with expired tags 🤐
// @phoneboy
@variablepulserate so much for surprise attacks on a grand scale, then. The only way to do so now would be with a barrage of supersonic missiles … which would almost certainly be considered a war crime before the first warhead exploded.
@variablepulserate it's odd to think that the general public would have access to this information … unless it's simply misdirection to hide something else.
@nitinkhanna no idea. I believe it has to do with Japan pushing all non-commercial internet traffic to IPv6 to free up IPv4 for paid services.
@variablepulserate oh to be so wealthy that 52,000 pounds was a pittance for an obsolete reminder of the past …
@nitinkhanna why would the snap store care whether you're using IPv4 or IPv6? I have not had an issue with snaps on either. Heck, my apartment network doesn't even offer IPv4 …