yeah … Quora is a great place to confuse people. It's remarkable that Jordan Peterson got his first taste of Internet fame on that site … before all the compelled speech stuff put him in the news 🤣

aside from children who have not yet learned the difference between right and wrong, who the heck says “slow up”? 😑

right address, but wrong city and state? Jeez …

either way, it’s nice that you’ll have another tool to express yourself with 🙂

“oops”, huh? 😂

fun. I’ll remember this for the next time a question about the tool comes up on AskUbuntu 😬

is -j the threads, or -x? 🤔

he doesn’t have red hair 😬

pfft. As if Macron uses social media 😆

I find the numbers suspect, as they’re percentages. Hydrogen bombs, as used over Hiroshima, are different from the tactical weapons used in modern warfare. There is also a difference in the number of times the weapons were used.

There is no doubt that people in both places have suffered horribly, often because of the actions by the people who are supposed to lead them. However, the complexities of any situation cannot be reduced to a single graphic with a hand-drawn font and zero context 🤔