@variablepulserate he has a remarkable voice. So unique and powerful 🙂
@variablepulserate he’s doing a lot of tech-related music lately. He recently did a track with OneRepublic called A.I.. A wonderful bit of vocals if you haven’t heard it 👍🏻
@variablepulserate it does make one wonder how long we’ll have the ability to think. Some people are sharp until their final day. Others spend years apparently with the capacity of a toddler … 🤔
@phoneboy “because I can” is a remarkably liberating feeling. Don’t let the bank balance get too close to zero, though 😉
// @variablepulserate
@variablepulserate perhaps. I could probably enjoy it if I liked matcha, but I avoid it whenever possible 🤐
// @phoneboy
@variablepulserate I’ve seen some people invest a lot of time and money into their coffee setups … but few are as involved as a Japanese tea ceremony. This is a good thing, though; nobody has ever burned themselves at a tea ceremony here because everything takes so long that the hot water cools to room temperature before it can be consumed 🤪
Also, matcha is just awful. If I wanted to taste grass, I’d eat grass.
// @phoneboy