Have decided that rather than read about things going on around the world, I’ll invest time into learning about AI. Would like to see how it might be used responsibly with education.

Time to take the privacy tag off many of my posts going forward, I think. Speaking of which, time to walk the puppy. The ground will hopefully be semi-dry enough after 16 hours of heavy rain 😬

that’s highly unethical … 😕


is that why you said "manipulating raws" rather than "titivating raws"? 🤔


really? I wonder if has used elephant poo paper … 🤔


wow. He’s quite tall 😮


well this is interesting:

Pizzey has been the subject of bomb threats and boycotts because her experience and research into the issue led her to conclude that most domestic violence is reciprocal, and that women are equally as capable of violence as men. These threats eventually led to her exile from the UK.

That goes against the narrative. I’m surprised that it only led to exile.

Then there’s this bit:

Pizzey has said that the threats were from militant feminists.

There’s a term you don’t hear very often. Sounds like women really are as capable of violence as men 🤐



stories about ego are generally targeted toward children and young adults, which would explain why they’re boring. Mind you, I generally read books about solving problems or various religions, so probably have an obvious bias 🤪


WordPress isn’t interested in speed. I’ve offered many database optimizations over the years and they choose to let things go the way they are, as it encourages a cottage industry of semi-competent pattern recognizers to call themselves a “WordPress Expert” and charge consulting fees to do X, Y, and Z things that could really be part of the core.

That said, if speed is what you’re after, perhaps Redis could help? WordPress’ database is used mostly as a Key-Value store, which makes a Redis intermediary layer a logical caching tool 🤔


being confronted with a truth that is outside their reality?

Potato chips are unhealthy? But they’re vegetables! 😢
