cool. How long will you be there for?

that’s a good length for a nap πŸ‘πŸ»

looks yummy πŸ‘πŸ»

that's generally how it should be … and how I remember it.

Back in the '90s1, I remember the first Viagra commercials consisting of old men with white hair laughing in slow motion while pushing kids on swings, or driving a convertible, or just drinking a cup of coffee while a guy was saying something along the lines of "Just because you're retired doesn't mean you can't live a full life. Ask your doctor if Viagra is right for you."

The commercial never said what the pill did … or even implied what it did. Mind you, I don't think I'd want to have a Viagra right before playing with kids or driving a car. Seems a bit foolish …


  1. Hard to believe this was 30 years ago

I thought that Viagra commercials were allowed at almost any time of the day πŸ€”

if only the leaders could define β€œwoman” without stumbling over themselves πŸ™„


unfortunately, I did see that. I grow weary of these brainless arguments. If I chanted β€œFollow the Ten Commandments!!!” for two minutes, people would write me off as a lunatic. Why does anybody β€” particularly those in politics β€” humiliate themselves this way? They may as well wear a sign like John McClane πŸ™„

every day is a strange day. Humans are weird 😬

everybody wants their documentary to be in a movie theatre. Maybe by using really tiny fonts, they are encouraging people to go watch their work on the biggest screens in the city 🀐

hmm … so that’s where the name comes from πŸ€”