nice. Let’s hope they keep bumping that number up πŸ‘πŸ»

I wonder if he rolled his eyes during that brief period when Kris Kross was all over the radio πŸ€”

now that's dedication to the art of album covers πŸ‘πŸ»

usually a lane closure πŸ€”

I wonder if a thousand beds were actually put on a beach for that album cover. I miss the days when you could look at a picture and assume that it was at least 99% accurate. Photoshop (and tools like it) have made it too easy to present a falsehood …

nope. There are still updates and bug fixes that go out. There are always little bugs that get spotted at the worst times …

I’d like to have things be less blah, but every time I try to build a new theme or extend an API to enable new features, I struggle with the β€œNobody has asked for this, so why build it?” question 🀐


the blogging (and podcasting) bits have not been used too much lately, no. Mind you, the pages are not particularly attractive or easy to use for most people, I think … 🀐

that sucks. Hope they offer a slight discount on the next bill in apology πŸ˜•

is Greta glaring at the government, saying β€œHow dare you all have water!” in an effort to make people grovel at the feet of our social betters?

as my grandmother used to say: β€œIf you have to ask, you can’t afford it.” πŸ˜†