@peemee that’s a lot to do when the po-po are spotted 🤔
@variablepulserate well … what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger, right? 🤣
@variablepulserate it really makes you wonder why people engage in such acts. Do we make our own decisions? Or are we simply vessels for the ideologies we adhere to?
@variablepulserate Anker makes a couple of interesting models. One looks like a baseball with a shaved off side where the phone mounts. They also have some flat pads that are built into monitor stands 🤔
@variablepulserate Voyager was made in the mid-90s, and Janeway was certainly a divisive character. Some people despised her not because of her sex, but because of her bossiness.
@variablepulserate the older I become, the more clearly it is to see how few people care about things.
@jextxadore given that many strobe lights are all LED and IC-based now, a random interval would be needed to counter the counter, which shouldn’t be too hard to implement.
It’s funny how quickly something goes from a counter-deterrent to a full-on weapon of offense, though 😆
// @variablepulserate
@variablepulserate shame we can’t use halon or FM-200 as a deterrent. Sure, some people may asphyxiate, but that’s the risk that comes with a life of crime 🙄
// @jextxadore