productive … 🙄

here are some instructions that might help. This is on the Ubuntu website, but it works with any bootable ISO.

from which OS? For Windows, I have no idea. For macOS, I use Disk Utility. For Ubuntu (and other Gnome-based desktop Linux distress), I use Startup Disk Creator.

indeed. You need to be careful with that software, too, because it'll completely hose a perfectly good USB stick if you're not paying attention.

is it made by the same Bailey’s that’s famous for it’s Irish cream?

Linux does not follow the Windows/macOS definition of an OS. Linux itself is a kernel, which interacts with the hardware. The distro is the software layer that sits on top of the kernel. It's sort of how like Windows 2.x and 3.x operated (if you remember those); Windows on top, DOS underneath 🤐

yeah, AppImage, Snap, and Flatpak were different angles to solve the same problem, but it just resulted in three different ways to get software aside from apt, yum, and pacman … depending on which distro you’re using. Then there’s the isolation issues with some of those installation methods … or hardware visibility issues … or discoverability …

Oh, and if you’re working with Python apps, then you don’t use any of those. You need to use pip … unless the app is written in Python 3, then you install with pip3.

These tools are fine for people who have invested decades with Linux already, but it’s a massive hurdle for newer people who just want something that isn’t Windows … 😕

the various communities do not do themselves any favours with regards to making Linux something simple enough for people to quickly acclimate to, no. Even the more feature complete ones will require you to go out into the weeds if you need to do something specific.

in a world where everybody gets a trophy, there’s little opportunity to learn how to deal with making mistakes 😕

many young North Americans are ill prepared for life. They can't do math in their head. They have no real knowledge of history. They all have neck and shoulder problems by their mid-20s. Many lack basic etiquette and table manners …

Thank goodness I don't have to hire anybody from that part of the world, because I'd probably be accused of being "ageist" for rejecting anyone under the age of 40 🤪