@peemee that's still a heck of a lot better than most Windows-powered machines today 🤣
@peemee how is the pixel density on the old Cinema Display? Apple has always had the best screens, but does it look noticeably inferior to the higher-DPI displays that we’re all used to now?
@variablepulserate there’s Impress, which is part of the LibreOffice suite. That has been open source since before it was OpenOffice 🤔
// @nitinkhanna
@peemee cool. Something like that would be really useful, then. I tend to listen to music either at home or in the car.
@sumudu that’s when you use an Apple email address when signing up for something. It creates a random email that gets forwarded to your main account. This way people don’t have your personal address. Then, if you are getting spam or no longer want messages from a specific company, you can eliminate the proxy address. It saves a lot of headache if you sign up for things from dubious companies.
@sumudu given how much Apple receives in subscriptions, it’s a shame they don’t offer discounts on hardware. If you’re an iCloud subscriber for 5+ years, why not offer a 10% discount on phones or tablets?
Alas …
Really tempted to bring Ayumi to see some autumn leaves in the mountains of Gifu, but I really need to start looking for the next job. The current contract ends at the end of December.